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Author: ABP-admin

The trade bloc is almost entirely a duty-free region for most products. ASEAN member countries have made significant progress in lowering intra-regional tariffs through the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme for AFTA. More than 99% of the products in the CEPT Inclusion List (IL) of...

Region offers huge potential for global online service providers. With a potential customer base of more than 650m people, the ASEAN region holds great promise for global digital platform providers as online access and incomes steadily rise in the region. Mobile-broadband subscriptions and internet usage now...

Despite the advantages, several Western companies fail to get a toehold in ASEAN. For all its attractions, many European and American companies who enter ASEAN markets fail. Many of them are unable to make headway in the chaotic markets in Asia. They do not take the...

ASEAN member countries complement each other in supporting investors. ASEAN is committed to an excellent investment climate for businesses. Aside from each ASEAN countries’ individual initiatives, the region offers an investment framework aimed at enticing investors and helping those doing business in the region. Newer member...

ASEAN economies, poised for robust recovery with 6% real GDP in 2021, as per GlobalDataGrowing , confirms that ASEAN has a lot to offer to the global investors. With a population of over 655 million, GDP at US$ 3 trillion and GDP per capita at US$4849 according to TradingNomics's...

The ASEAN Economic Community is collectively the 7th largest economy in the world and is building stronger networks The establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 was a major milestone in the regional economic integration agenda in ASEAN, offering opportunities in the form of...

Analysts are looking to Vietnam for lessons. In January of 2020, as countries became aware of the virus but cautiously abated their next move, Vietnam acted quickly and decisively. It closed its borders and implemented an intrusive tracing strategy. Thereafter, the economy suffered - as...

Negara Brunei Darussalam (State of Brunei, abode of Peace) – or just Brunei – is blessed with many years of oil and gas reserves to support its tiny population of less than 0.5m citizens. Bruneians are born lucky, enjoying excellent free medical and healthcare from...


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